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My Photos - October 2001

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2001:10:04 20:38:46
Momotaro Theatre Group
This was a troup (a large family actually) based in Fukuoka who travel around the country. I couldn't understand a lot of the performance. I got to speak to some of the members on the ferry the next day
2001:10:05 16:18:07
Bouquet Vending Machine
Sacks of rice is one thing, but really?!?! The caption at the top says: "We support your needs 24 hours a day. You can buy fresh flowers anytime." Man, I just gotta get me some flowers!
2001:10:05 21:16:29
Back at the red umbrella for my birthday celebrations. Quite a few people showed up - more came later
2001:10:07 09:46:58
Bottle Racing
The aim of the game was to push a bottle along the course with sticks
2001:10:07 10:06:15
Wheelbarrow Racing
2001:10:07 10:06:27
Balloon Bursting
Part of the same race as the wheelbarrow race. The men had to blow up a balloon and the women had to sit on it!
2001:10:07 10:13:27
Grandparent Relay
For the preschoolers and the grandparents. The kids got a balloon and a packet of chips
2001:10:07 10:14:12
Grandparent Relay 2
2001:10:07 10:15:02
Grandparent Relay 3
This girl's Mum acted as Grandma
2001:10:07 10:20:44
Primary School Relay
2001:10:07 10:22:10
Partner Relay
In this race the kids were given instructions and had to find someone in the crowd that fit a certain criterion. I was chosen as an October born person and had to skip around the course barefoot - ouch!
2001:10:07 10:50:09
Fill The Bottle Relay
A relay to see which team could fill the bottle first
2001:10:07 10:51:19
Fill The Bottle 2
2001:10:07 10:56:41
3 Legged Race
The junior high kids did a three legged race
2001:10:07 11:07:20
Obstacle Course
The boy thought he'd give his Mum a sporting chance
2001:10:07 11:49:40
Carry The Ball
If you dropped the ball you have to stop and put it back in your "basket"
2001:10:07 13:06:24
Primary Dance
The primary school, and some not there yet, performed a Bon-Odori, a traditional dance done during the O-Bon festival
2001:10:07 13:15:55
Stick Grab
2001:10:07 13:23:41
Obviously not really basketball
2001:10:07 13:29:56
Throw The Balls
The aim of this game was to get as many balls as possible into the net - there were two teams
2001:10:07 14:21:14
Tug Of War
2001:10:07 14:38:33
Millipede Race
I was in the Nibu team for the Millipede relay. We were the last group in our relay team and had a lot to catch up
2001:10:07 14:39:00
Millipede Race 2
We came last, but were still cheered on for the final few metres!
2001:10:07 15:10:59
Nibu From Hill
Looking to Nibu (and my apartment building) from a nearby hill
2001:10:10 16:46:27
Big Wind
Another taiphoon off the coast of Tokyo - ages from here - nearly blew us away anyway!
2001:10:13 15:36:55
Looking to Nishinoshima and Ama from Chibu
2001:10:13 15:41:00
A little foal in Chibu
2001:10:13 15:43:42
Island Off Chibu
This little island is the first thing you see when arrving in Oki from the mainland
2001:10:14 11:19:23
My New Bike!
This is the new scooter that my work bought me (well, my position anyway)
2001:10:20 10:41:43
Dot Painting
On the first day of Waku Waku world, 12 Shimane JETs did activities with primary school kids that represent our countries. I did Aboriginal dot painting with my 2 groups - thanks Mick!
2001:10:20 10:41:56
Dot Painting 2
2001:10:20 10:42:27
Sorry for the darkness - Jason (NZ), my predecessor, taught his group of kids how to do poi!
2001:10:20 11:26:27
Clink taught his group how to navigate traditional Thai dress
2001:10:20 13:39:44
Lake Shinji
A view of Lake Shinji from Sun Lake, Hirata
2001:10:20 21:31:14
Lego Car
A very interesting car we spotted in Matsue. I think it looks more like lego than a real car!
2001:10:21 11:30:49
Cooking Day 1
This is us on the cooking day component of Waku Waku World in Hirata. There were about 8 CIRs involved
2001:10:21 11:31:03
Aussie Pikelets
Vanessa and I cooked pikelets all day on 20 October
2001:10:21 11:31:50
Irish Cookies
Eily and Estelle made "Irish" choc chip cookies
2001:10:21 11:32:00
American Chilli
Cydnee says she's often asked if she is from Sydney
2001:10:21 11:32:29
Cooking Day 2
There were also some local ladies cooking various things for the locals
2001:10:21 13:00:11
Blue Grass
It was a big festival. A blue grass band played for a while. You can see in the background, outside a boy reaching into a barrel to grab his prize - a live eel!
2001:10:21 19:55:57
Terrible Photo
Terrible photo of a very cute and tiny frog at Margaret's apartment in Izumo
2001:10:25 15:07:36
Nibu Hidamari
Every now and then I go along to these afternoons for old people. This time two friendly policeman (neither from Chibu) talked to us about watching out for con-men disguised as door-to-door salesmen, yee hah!

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Number of photos: 43
Page updated: Monday, 21 March 2005